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Sequoia (Medium Roast)

Low Acid: Yes. Up to 80% lower acid than national brands.
Ingredients: Organic coffee beans

See our organic ingredients and analytical page for verification.

DescriptionThis unique blend of coffee beans has been carefully crafted to deliver a bold, yet smooth flavor that is sure to please. The Sequoia Blend is a very complex and full-bodied cup of coffee, making it a favorite among Mavericks customers. Each coffee is carefully and methodically slow roasted, resulting in a low acid cup of coffee that is easy on the stomach. Whether you are enjoying a cup at home or on the go, this is a great cup of coffee anytime. 

About Low Acid: All Mavericks coffee are slow roasted to significantly reduce Chlorogenic acid levels and provide a great cup of coffee without the bitterness. Our acidity levels are verified by a third party laboratory.

Cupping Notes:

Full bodied and good acidity. Smooth taste with a small bite at the end. Full aroma. Distinctive cup of coffee.


  • Country: Central, South America, Indonesia
  • Grade 1: SHG & SHB (Strictly High Grown, Strictly Hard Bean)
  • Region: Blended Varietals
  • Mark: Signature Blend
  • Processing: Wet Process (Washed)
  • Appearance: 15-17 Screen