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J.B. Mavericks

J.B., as his friends called him, was a man of a bygone era. Born to Jedediah and Abigail, Josiah Beckley Mavericks. Mr. Jedediah Maverick was a wheelwright and farmer back east. Jedediah was known for his skill in his trade, solid constitution, and truthful character. Abigail was kind to the eyes and was a very hardworking and hospitable women. On their journey west tracking the California trail, J.B. Mavericks, was born just a day's ride from Fort Bridger in the Wyoming Territory.

After averting an incident in Ute territory, Jedediah's craftiness  brought the family’s long arduous journey to California to its conclusion in a small Gold Rush town in California’s motherlode, known as Midnight River.

Jedediah opened a wheelwright shop, next to Cline’s Livery in Midnight River. Learning his father’s craft and developing a business acumen that greatly surpassed that of his father. After the death of Jedediah, J.B. sold his father's wheelwright business, and entered the ranching business. During that time, his mother Abigail had passed and his brother was killed in the war.

Establishing his reputation as a rancher and cattlemen. J.B. made his mark in Mercantile and by establishing the area's first coffee roasting outfit.  Located in the town of Midnight River, J.B. Mavericks mercantile was well situated next to Mr. Preston Hatfield’s Bank and across the street from that gold rush towns’ only Assay office. “Mavericks Mercantile and Dry Goods”, later became known as “Mavericks”. J.B.’s “honest cup” approach enjoyed a broad appeal among many who fashion the concept of coffee that tastes like coffee. 

J.B. Mavericks

J.B. was a man of few words, but people would bend an ear to hear him. Many travelers visited Mavericks to see the establishment and taste the coffee that “doesn't hurt your stomach”.  J.B. 's approach to coffee is still practiced today at Mavericks. Each coffee is roasted in the same manner, slow roasted for a much longer duration. It is easier on your stomach, and makes a more natural tasting cup of coffee.

We hope you enjoy our coffee as much as the good folks from Midnight River did many years ago!