Linking Low Acid Coffee and Chlorogenic Acid?
Linking Low Acid Coffee and Chlorogenic Acid?
What really is low acid coffee? Since there are lots of different acids in the world, what acid do we mean when we say coffee is low acid?
In the coffee world, we mean Chlorogenic acid. The coffee plant has more Chloregenic acid than just about any other plant. So the coffee bean, which is the seed of a coffee plant cherry, already starts out high in acid.
Chlorogenic acid is a chemical compound and can be arranged in nearly a dozen different configurations while still keeping the same chemical make-up. In case you are ever on Jeopardy, these are called isomers, which is derived from a greek word that means “equal”.
The point is that while these isomers are all Chlorogenic acid, each can have an affect on the coffee you drink. Some of these Chlorogenic isomers can affect the flavor of coffee, leaving a bitter taste. While bitterness can be a result of substandard coffee roasting, it can also be associated with a coffee high in acid.
If coffee affects your bowel movements, or you experience discomfort after drinking coffee, that might be a sign that there are high levels of Chlorogenic acid in the coffee you are drinking.
It might be time for you to consider drinking a low acid coffee that can eliminate the bitterness and drastically reduce the amount of Chlorogenic acid that you consume. Many have found the coffee tastes better and is better for their bodies.
That is the 50,000 foot overview of low acid coffee. There are several ways to reduce Chlorogenic acid content in coffee beans to yield a low acid coffee. That process will be discussed in a future post.