Changing from Conventional to Organic Coffee
Changing from Conventional to Organic Coffee
It has been about a year now since we started to switch our complete line of slow roasted and low acid coffees from conventional to organic. For those of you unfamiliar with the term “conventional" coffee, conventional coffee basically means “non-organic” coffee.
While Mavericks has always carried a few organic coffees, our coffee line has mostly been conventional. When we started the migration from conventional to organic, we knew good things were in store, but we also knew that there may be challenges that awaited us.
And…..a many challenge there was. Organic coffees simply roast different than conventional coffees. Despite what many may say, not all coffee beans are the same, even from the same country or even the same region, particularly between conventional and organic coffees. A conventional high-grown Arabica Colombia, will roast noticeably different from a organic high-grown Arabica Colombia.
Without getting into the preverbal “weeds” such as size, density, cellulose structure of the bean, etc., suffice it to say, is has been our observation that organic coffees react different to heat than conventional coffees. This meant that over the last year each and every Mavericks slow roasted profile had to be modified to accommodate the organic coffee.
For those of you along for the ride the last year or so, we trust that Mavercks signature taste; that balanced, sweet, and smooth flavor has now been nicely complimented by a subtle and pleasing natural taste that is inherent with organic coffees.
Let’s remember, coffee was organic before it was ever conventional. With Mavericks migration to organic coffees, we were not really going to something new, but returning back to the way coffee was originally created and meant to be enjoyed.
All our organic certificates for each coffee can be seen on our certifications page by clicking here.